
    Showing 1–9 of 17 results

    • $16.95

      Prodigal Father Wayward Son

      A Roadmap to Reconciliation Prodigal Father Wayward Son is the long awaited sequel to the bestselling Fire in the Belly and a crowning achievement of a remarkable literary career. It is also an impressive debut of a young writer that proves the adage “the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree”.  The rebellion of the 60’s and 70’s is writ large in the struggles between a driven father and an irrepressible son. From adventures to marriages to split ups to drugs to abandonment and to finding a way back. Sam Keen – groundbreaking philosopher and author of the bestselling Fire in the Belly helps define a movement while wreaking chaos at home; Gifford Keen...

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    • $25.00

      The Sacred Journey: The Quest for Life’s Higher Meaning – 6 CD’s

      Your Quest, your Sacred Journey, begins the moment you entertain the great questions: Where am I going? What is my life about? What do I value? What gives me a sense of purpose? What is sacred, meaningful, of ultimate concern to me? What are my deepest longings? Where am I now on my life journey? Who gave me the map I have followed thus far? Who defined success and happiness for me? Have I forgotten the adventure I once planned, the dreams that guided me? When I get bogged down, nearsighted, lost in the details of making a living, how do I find my way out of the forest? Join Sam Keen on the...

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    • $21.99

      In The Absence of God

      IN HIS NEWEST BOOK, best-selling author Sam Keen challenges the notions and hab­its we’ve formed about religion over the centuries in order for us to build a deeper faith that is rel­evant today. He asks: How has religion failed us? Must we choose between dogmatic religion and atheism? How might religion unite rather than divide us? The answers, Keen discovers, point the way back to the primal emotions, to the life-giving sense of dwelling in the presence of the sacred. In the Absence of God sets out to recover the elemental experience of the sacred in everyday life. By appreciating emotions like wonder, grati­tude, anxiety, joy, grief, reverence, compassion, outrage, hope, and humility we...

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    • $14.95

      Sightings: Extraordinary Encounters with Ordinary Birds

      Our most intimate revelations of the sacred happen in unexpected moments in unlikely places. Walking under a forest canopy in search of an elusive Indigo Bunting may evoke a hushed reverence and a sense of gratitude. In these twelve interwoven essays Sam Keen invites us to turn our eyes skyward and see what we discover. ” Reading this book is like walking down a winding path; one never knows what’s around the bend…Be prepared for continual surprises, wisdom, beauty, sometimes a burst of mirth…” Huston...

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    • $29.00

      Faces of the Enemy

      This 2004 enlarged edition includes a new chapter “The New Enemy” with 32 pages of color illustrations This enlarged edition is available only from Sam Keen. The combination of the book Faces of the Enemy and the PBS documentary “The Faces of the Enemy: and the 3 lectures — The Art of Enemy Making; The New Enemy; Beyond Enmity — provide all of the essentials for a high school or college course on prejudice, propaganda and the language of warfare. Examines the techniques of propaganda used to teach us “to hate all the people our relatives hate.” Some 400 posters and cartoons show how enemies are dehumanized by portraying them as enemies of god,...

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    • $29.00

      Faces of the Enemy DVD

      Who are our enemies? How and why do we transform them into monsters? How do these images create and perpetuate an atmosphere in which conflict is increased instead of prevented? Faces of the Enemy is the first film to confront these vital questions. It examines the sociological, psychological and political aspects of war to discover what drives nations and individuals to kill. New updated commentary track by Bill Jersey and Sam...

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    • $12.95

      Hymns To An Unknown God

      Cutting through the deceptive and unrealistic aspects of popular spirituality, this guide for common-sense individuals demonstrates how awareness and spirituality can be effectively combined and applied to all aspects of life. “Sam Keen breathes pure life into the spiritual void we all may feel at times. . . his hymns and philosophical groundnotes contain the power to help heal the split — that nameless separation — that divides us from our world and from ourselves.” — Clarissa Pinkola Estes, bestselling author of Women Who Run With the...

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    • $13.95

      Your Mythic Journey (with A.V. Fox)

      This book will help you discover the story of your life and understand it mythologically as well as practically. This is done through a series of writing and drawing exercises that use probing questions designed to challenge your beliefs, your values and your identity as you explore your past, present and future. Reviewer: Mar Calpena. A gem of a book, deep but compassionate This is a brilliant book for those who believe in journaling as a therapeutic path. The authors address life’s main conflicts, and structures the basic questions to be answered by the reader in terms of Joseph Campbell’s work. This book combines intellectual rigor with heartfelt warmth, in a combination so rarely...

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    • $13.00

      To Love and Be Loved

      To Love and Be Loved is a spirited challenge to a culture obsessed with romance and intimacy but dangerously ignorant of the full range and richness of human love. Love is not something we “fall” into, claims Keen, but a complex art combining many skills and talents that take a lifetime to learn. Like a fresh wind, Sam Keen sweeps away tired self-help nostrums and reams of “bad advice from Dr. Lonelyhearts” to reveal a stunningly new map of love in all its...

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