A Roadmap to Reconciliation
Prodigal Father Wayward Son is the long awaited sequel to the bestselling Fire in the Belly and a crowning achievement of a remarkable literary career. It is also an impressive debut of a young writer that proves the adage “the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree”. The rebellion of the 60’s and 70’s is writ large in the struggles between a driven father and an irrepressible son. From adventures to marriages to split ups to drugs to abandonment and to finding a way back. Sam Keen – groundbreaking philosopher and author of the bestselling Fire in the Belly helps define a movement while wreaking chaos at home; Gifford Keen – a wild-eyed blond California surfer boy has a bad knack for doing things the hard way until he stumbles into great success. Yet a surprise reconciliation awaits….
A moving account of repentance, forgiveness and reconciliation that sets it apart from any other books in this genre, Prodigal Father Wayward Son provides guidance and inspiration to those looking for positive role models and teaches new ways to move beyond old wounds by offering concrete methods to overcome long standing enmities and misunderstanding.